Most organizations could benefit from a comprehensive assessment of their file management systems. With so much dispute and litigation, we have become hoarders of mounds of paper. This overload is barely controllable for talented administrators and uses so much valuable space. Today’s employees are increasingly dependent upon electronic media and try to diligently avoid handling actual paperwork. So with the goals of eliminating paper and helping staff be more proficient the reasonable solutions seems to be presenting itself – conversion from paper to electronic documents is a great opportunity worth pursuing.

Some tips to keep in mind as you develop your computer systems filing system. If you choose to use acronyms or abbreviations in your folder or file names (i.e. PT=Patient, CLT=Client), ensure that an index is furnished to all employees to aid them in being consistent. Consistency is a very valuable tool in developing a system that is both efficient and user-friendly. Identify personnel who may need some supplementary support in implementing the new system. Set up training sessions with them to build up their confidence and improve meaningful use of your records management system.

Each company should designate an adept supervisor to take charge of the transition process. This leader should capitalize on the positive aspects of the current system and those staff members who can offer team members support. Adopting this strategy will make everyone more at ease with the changes and will help those who may feel intimidated by the change to follow the new protocols. Administrators should be familiar with business standards, including state and federal regulations, when implementing the system since these rules could govern or have an impact on your record-keeping procedures.  Typically, electronic transactions are subject to the same confidentiality and privacy laws and restrictions that paper files are.

Be sure to assign someone the task of "weeding out" old files and checking to be sure that files are properly filed.  Archival folders should be established and a procedure setup to manage records that have retention requirements such as financial records which typically must be held for seven years before they can be destroyed. Following a consistent maintenance schedule can keep folders from getting too full and overwhelming to evaluate. This protocol may help reveal problem areas which could inspire future staff training sessions.

Electronic document management is the record system of the future.  Today’s older generation can still remember the paper trails and has lived through the transition of the typewriter to the personal computer.  Although there is comfort in old systems, the new systems bring new efficiencies that the old could not provide.  This transition from paper to e-documents is sure to reveal equally advantageous benefits.  We can look forward to fewer file cabinets and shrinking loads of paper. 

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