Once taken into our homes, dogs rapidly become a treasured family member. Many of us could not visualize our homes without their playful or warm companionship. In fact, a survey released by the American Pet Products Association reports that 72.9 million U.S. households own a pet and that same survey disclosed that Americans spent over $50 billion on their pets in 2011 alone. Yes, I said "Billion". Generally, we don't conceive the expense involved in taking a pet into our homes-for example a dog will require nearly $900 per year while cats are to some extent less expensive at roughly $700 per year.

Let's review some straightforward steps you can take to defend the safety and well-being of your family and dogs. Ideally, you should take your pet for consistent veterinary examinations and make sure that his immunizations are up-to-date. If controlling your dog's conduct is a challenge for you, find an obedience class in your area. Obedience classes can aid you and your pet to build a trusting bond in which he will learn to follow your command. Oftentimes these trainers will give information about specific breed's predispositions and how to deal with bothersome or impetuous behaviors.

While you tend to your pet's discipline, be dedicated in setting up safety measures by directing your children in the proper way to behave around animals. Most importantly, you must never leave a small child alone with a dog. According to a press release on The American Society of Plastic Surgeons' website, under "How Not to Be a Dog Bite Victim", ASPS's President states that "the majority of reconstructive surgeries to treat dog bites are performed on children". Of the 29,000 reconstructive procedures that were performed as a result of dog attacks in 2011 the most critical injuries were inflicted upon young people. Many times these injuries were received during everyday activities with a well-known dog.

Your children must know a few safety strategies if they are going to spend time around dogs. In laying the ground rules:

·         Teach them to never provoke or abuse a dog-they should be careful around dogs even those with whom they are accustomed.

·         Tell your children to never approach or bother a dog that is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.

·         Caution your children about approaching unfamiliar dogs.

·         Educate them or role-play with them on how to behave if a dog pushes them down-making sure they know to roll into a ball and protect their face and head.

Finally, you should phone your local agent to make sure you have adequate protection under your homeowners or renters insurance. Most homeowners or renters policies cover dog-related events; however, some insurance companies have begun to decline coverage on certain breeds since they are more liable to turn on or hurt someone. Your agent should be able to clear up this concern and if you find that your homeowners doesn't include your pet, inquire about obtaining protection under a separate personal liability or umbrella liability policy. Be aware that if your dog does wound someone and you do not have enough insurance to cover the incident, you can be held personally accountable for any damages (including legal expenses).

So many of us take the adoption of a dog into our homes lightly-never considering that we must have the income to provide a safe and stable home for our pets as well as our family. The added expenses oftentimes catch us off-guard but the comfort and enjoyment that your dog brings to the family is worth the expenditure. The rest is plainly education and readying for those unanticipated events. If you have taken the above safeguards under advisement and have implemented them, then you can rest assured that you have done everything in your power to maintain the safety and well-being of your family and pets. Enjoy your dog!

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